We know that many, if not most, of you parents are working and there is no one at home to school your child. We also know that some kind of arrangement will have to be made for your child who is not at school while you are working. We did not want to put you in the position of suddenly having to try to make arrangements, and understand the problem it causes. However, we are respecting the opinion of many local health officials and of the school district that closing schools will assist in addressing the current Coronavirus outbreak. Accordingly, our Onshore (classroom) Option has been closed. Please be aware that any adult, not just the parent or guardian, may take on the instruction of your child: a childcare provider, an older sibling, a grandparent or other relative, a neighbor or friend. So, ask whoever you find to watch your child while you are at work if they are willing to be the instructor. We at USA will try to find ways to support you while we follow the constraints that have been placed upon us.
Students will remain at home, with parent or another adult as the instructor, at least until after spring break (until Monday, April 20). We will re-evaluate at that time.
Students will be provided on Tuesday, March 17 with temporary homeschool “packets” of activities and worksheets until a more comprehensive curriculum can be provided.
Homeroom teachers will make weekly appointments with their students and the instructing adults to review the assignments completed, give instruction concerning the new assignments, and assess the student’s progress.
Instructing adults will keep track of assignments and other activities on the “Homestudy Report” which is the same report parents complete when their student is absent.
Teachers will be investigating various methods of instruction: online classes at a certain time with the opportunity to ask questions, webinars that students can view at any time, e-mail correspondence with teachers, online programs such as Time4Learning that gives instruction and students can work on independently (only recommended for upper grade students), scripted lessons for parents to deliver at home with associated worksheets (recommended for primary grades), and family thematic lessons in science and social science for those with several children at home.
At your first weekly meeting, you will be informed as to how your particular teacher will be handling the classroom students at home. We hope for the teachers to be able to provide some instruction, if at all possible. Paper, pencils, and other necessary materials will all be provided.
All classes, clubs, activities, and field trips will be cancelled until after spring break.
IEP meetings and instruction will continue. The resource teacher will be in contact with each family as to how your child’s IEP minutes will be handled.
March 16 – April17, 2020
The Del Norte Unified School District’s Superintendent announced his decision on Sunday, March 15, 2020, to close all district schools beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, until after spring break, ending Friday, April 17. Uncharted Shores Academy is following the district’s lead by canceling classes. However, USA is NOT closing! USA will remain in operation and continue to deliver instruction, but all students will be instructed at home rather than in class.